- Take one of the initial 3 villagers to make a storehouse at the nearest hunt patch while killing it with your scout, rally the villagers to the trees next to the storehouse, make sure you don’t let the wood-gathering villagers bring their wood back to drop off to your town center, once they have 8-9 wood in their “bag” assign them to help build the storehouse.
- Keep 3 villagers on food and rest on wood, once you have 4 on wood rally the next villager to make the barracks.
- After you start the barracks, rally the next villager to make the woodline storehouse and then reassign the initial wood gathering villagers to help make the wood storehouse and then keep 4-5 on wood.
- Rally the next villagers from the town center to food, until you have 6 on food.
- @50 wood make a house. Use the same villager who builds the house to make a storehouse on stone.
- Rally to stone until you have 3-4 on stone. Then depending on whether or not you commit hard to your Sparabara rush, move the next villagers to wood or food.
- When you start your age up, keep 4 on food and then reassign the other 2 food gathering villagers to wood.
- @50wood 50food get aid tent and try to micro your Sparabara so that they remain alive so that you can heal them, and when they get back to your base spread them among your storehouses so they get healed faster than they normally would if you left them near 1 storehouse, so that they can contribute more to defense against the inevitable counter attack by your opponent.
- @300wood 300stone make your second town center (Personally I make my 2nd town center outside the range of the first one against Greeks, Persians, Babylonians and sometimes Egypt. But against Norse and Celts, I would recommend that you build your 2nd town center in the range of the first otherwise you would probably regret it. I learned it the hard way recently)
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